
Narrative Management Amid Uncertainty due to the Pandemic


Embracing the Challenge

Timezone, a retail powerhouse and Top Brand award winner in family entertainment, faced a double mission; launching a visitor loyalty program and unveiling their inaugural Play 'N' Learn venue in Makassar. Navigating these waters required the perfect communication strategy amidst the uncertain tides of pandemic restrictions.

The Game Plan

QComm devised a media strategy to steer the narrative toward a post-pandemic retail and family entertainment revival. We blended media engagement with immersive participant experiences and fostered community support.

The Grand Slam

Timezone basked in a deluge of positive media coverage. Key stakeholders, including the Head Matron of Early Childhood Education and the Mayor of Makassar's spouse, lent their support, recognizing that the venue and experience aligned perfectly with the times and provided much-needed family entertainment.

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