(Client’s concealed due to NDA)

Building Education through Social Media Advocacy


Navigating the Storm

A life insurance company offering unit-linked products faced a barrage of negativity from customers experiencing investment yield declines. Social media platforms were flooded with complaints in written and visual forms, posing a serious threat to the company's reputation and credibility.

Tactical Approach

QComm unleashed an advocacy strategy through social media, centered on educating customers about the importance of thorough policy reading. We reinforced the core principle of life insurance as protection. Our education campaign was presented in diverse, easily digestible content forms—articles, visuals, and videos—designed to simplify life insurance concepts.

The Victory

Our campaign garnered support from the Financial Services Authority and the Indonesian Life Insurance Association. Social media transformed into a hub for peer feedback and education. Negative posts related to the products decreased significantly, concentrating on only a few specific accounts, according to our internal index. Another win for education!

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